Trends – Blue Sky Retail Support Uniting Product, Sales and Support For Suppliers. Help for your Walmart Retail Link, Sams sales and business planning needs. Tue, 07 Aug 2018 12:21:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Walmart Acquires Adchemy – Via Business Insider Thu, 08 May 2014 16:43:21 +0000 @WalmartLabs has acquired Adchemy, the slightly mysterious Foster City, Calif., adtech company that specializes in “semantic search.”  In a related Wall Street Journal article, for the first time in a decade, Wal-MartWMT +1.04%’s Web sales grew faster than Amazon’s.  Global Internet sales at Wal-Mart, which remained ranked as the fourth largest online seller by Internet Retailer, rose by 30% to $10 billion last year, topping Amazon’s 20% sales growth during the same period.

Blue Sky Retail Support Serving Walmart and Sam’s Club suppliers in Northwest Arkansas

via Walmart Acquires Adchemy – Business Insider#!K4eNN.

Keurig, Coke To Team On Cold Beverage System | Thu, 06 Feb 2014 19:37:11 +0000 Under the global strategic agreement, GMCR and The Coca-Cola Company will cooperate to bring the Keurig Cold beverage system to consumers around the world.

via Keurig, Coke To Team On Cold Beverage System |

Kid You Not: The Very Serious Business of Building The Fastest-Growing Company in America | Inc. 5000 Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:06:01 +0000 Fuhu makes a cute soft-sided tablet for children. But cuteness isn’t what produced three-year growth of 42,148 percent.

Blue Sky Retail, LLC. – Specializing in Retail Link, administrative compliance, and sales support for Walmart and Sam’s Club vendors

via Kid You Not: The Very Serious Business of Building The Fastest-Growing Company in America | Inc. 5000.

Walmart Announces $10 Million Fund to Spur Innovation and Support U.S. Manufacturing – MPB Mon, 27 Jan 2014 19:55:47 +0000

This past Thursday, Januaru 23, 2014, Walmart U.S. President and CEO Bill Simon joined 280 of the nation’s mayors in Washington, D.C., at the U.S. Conference of Mayors Meeting to announce a new fund for innovation in American manufacturing and a new supplier commitment to bring production of bikes and jobs to South Carolina.

Blue Sky Retail, LLC. – Specializing in Retail Link, administrative compliance, and sales support for Walmart and Sam’s Club vendors

via My Private Brand – Walmart Announces $10 Million Fund to Spur Innovation and Support U.S. Manufacturing.

Connecticut Painter Finds Everyday Art in Walmart Wed, 22 Jan 2014 16:47:00 +0000

“I went from being the guy who got thrown out of Wal-Mart for taking photos of cashiers to now I can actually set up in any Wal-Mart in anyplace in the world,” says Connecticut artist Brendan O’Connell.

Blue Sky Retail, LLC. – Specializing in Retail Link, administrative compliance, and sales support for Walmart and Sam’s Club vendors

via Connecticut Painter Finds Everyday Art in Walmart | Arkansas Business News |

Walmarts new campaign could be reason for rezoning petitions | Northwest Arkansas News – KHBS Home Tue, 14 Jan 2014 17:25:49 +0000

Development experts said they are seeing a new trend in rezoning since the launch of Walmarts “Buy American” campaign.

Blue Sky Retail, LLC. – Specializing in Retail Link, administrative compliance, and sales support for Walmart and Sam’s Club vendors

via Walmarts new campaign could be reason for rezoning petitions | Northwest Arkansas News – KHBS Home.

Be Innovative, Merry Pringles: Mint choc or cinnamon this Christmas? Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:18:03 +0000

Pringles’ sweet crisp flavors will capitalize on the UK Christmas snack rush and a growing consumer curiosity for flavor experimentation, says analyst.

Blue Sky Retail, LLC. – Specializing in Retail Link, administrative compliance, and sales support for Walmart and Sam’s Club vendors

via Merry Pringles: Mint choc or cinnamon this Christmas?

No surprise, protein is crucial in quality of gluten-free baked products Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:15:23 +0000

The proteins in a formulation can drastically impact the quality and texture of gluten-free baked goods and therefore must be selected wisely, suggest researchers.

Blue Sky Retail, LLC. – Specializing in Retail Link, administrative compliance, and sales support for Walmart and Sam’s Club vendors

via Gluten-free bakery protein choice is crucial.

The Trends Shaping the Future of Retail Thu, 22 Aug 2013 14:38:25 +0000

This month’s edition of the trade publication Retail Leader gives us an in-depth look at five trends expected to shape the future of retail.

Blue Sky Retail, LLC. – Specializing in Retail Link, administrative compliance, and sales support for Walmart and Sams Club vendors

Shaping the Future of Retail – Cover Story – Retail Leader.

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